
Monday, January 22, 2018

Just Do It

No this isn't an advertisement for Nike. Although, anything can happen on the internet right? So Nike if you see this and feel gracious enough to pay me- I probably won't refuse. All joking aside, this week has been a great one. We've got a new prophet, we've got more traveling brethren now, and priests and laurels can do more in the temple. I've certainly been uplifted from daily scripture study and weekly "Monson study". This semester, I've decided to study the talks of former Prophet Thomas S. Monson. I started with his most earlier talks to hear the well known phrases like: "When we are on the Lord's errand, we have a right to His help" and "whom the Lord calls, He qualifies". I have testimony of our prophet but I guess it's time to receive a personal witness.
This week in my religion class, we were of course talking about the role of Jesus Christ before He came to this earth. Since the beginning, we were taught "the gospel of Jesus Christ". We do not know all that we learned but we get a taste from the scriptures we read. Like 3 Nephi 27:21: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, this is my gospel; and ye know the things that ye must do in my church; for the works which ye have seen me do that shall ye also do; for that which ye have seen me do even shall ye do". It is evident that this gospel is to have faith, repent, be baptized in His name, receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, and endure to the end. I believe that this verse also means that we were taught what we were to do in the church long before we came to this earth. We received our "first lessons" before coming to this earth and I believe that this gospel was one of the big topics that were taught. When we are struggling with a decision, action, or trial, we can look to our beginnings with comfort. We "know the things that [we] must do in [His] church". We already know and all we need to do is find our connection with Our Savior to find the answer or comfort. All we have to do is "do it". Where do we find the power to do so though? As prophets of old and new have declared, we have the Atonement of Jesus Christ to give us power beyond our ability to "just do it". This is easier said than done but it's possible through Him.

I hope and prayer that all may continue to have spiritual filled weeks.

Devan Alder

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