
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Two letters in one week! "Valentines Apologies" and "Back in Time"

For reasons we may never understand Devan's letters the past two weeks haven't been getting, here are two in one post

What a holiday for missionaries.... or really the first lines of Alma 58:37: Now behold, it mattereth not (a lot more fun in Spanish: Mas he aquĆ­, NO IMPORTA.) Got to love the scriptures. 

So I need to apologize for the no update last week. We had 3 hours outside of the house because of CARNAVAL. It wasn´t like everyone was partying (Becuase we didn´t see anything from our apartment) But what does happen here is water fights. LOTS and lots of water (even if it´s raining) And sometimes paint, flour, and eggs. 4 days to throw stuff at each other. (There was even a church activity where they just threw water at each other. So us missionaries were locked up for 4 hours saturday. 6 hours Sunday. And ALL day monday and Tuesday. Probably the worst for missionaries. So we didn´t get lazy, we read, and read, and read. Reached the middle of Jesus the Christ! It was actually a spiritual experience for me!
Just goes to show that no matter what, you can feel the spirit!

Well we are certainly seeing the miracles here in the Pradera! We found a family that is living with an inactive family from Esmeraldas (Up North), they don´t have any money and are very open to recieve us and His message. First lesson and the mother started to cry! I sure do live for those lessons where the spirit just touches the heart. What a blessing! Reminds me of Alma 32 and 33, where alma is teaching the poor. The word starts as a seed (Verse 28 of chapter 32) It grows and we find out it is a good seed (29) But it doesn´t become a perfect knowledge until we ACT (33 and 34) But if we don´t treat this knowledge with "great diligence and with pacience" the tree will die (38-41) What a blessings to see these miracles here.

Another miracle, we have a baptism this week. A lady that I meet 2 months ago that has been coming to church for those 2 months every week. For her situation at home, she couldn´t be baptized but last week we talked with her and soon will be free of her situation and will be baptized this saturday! I can´t describe the joy on her face when we asked if she wanted to be baptized this saturday. She has been searching for the truth for a long time, and now she has found it.

God hears our prayers (Alma 33) And He will answer in His own time. But He will answer. He loves us with a love we can´t imagine. But when we work in His work (Not just missionary work) we see His love in every aspect. 

Love you all and hope the best for each and everyone of you!

Picture: Elder Cutipa´s birthday was Friday, so I bought him a cake!

Zone Conference

This weeks letter...

Well I sent you all letters last week but THE WALL stopped it and now you are reciecving two messages!

Well I can`t exactly show you guys with photos today BUT we did have a baptism on Saturday!! 

If I can send the photos some time, her name is Elsie Reyes. She was born here in Guayquil knows English pretty well and is thinking about moving to Utah! She has been coming to church for the past 2 and half months, going to the classes that the church has to become... what are the words in english... Self Providing.. Ugh.. Where you learn to make money or have a business! Let´s just say I was humbled to have participated in her baptism. Only sad part is that she is moving out of our ward soon and won´t be able to see her much, or teach her 3 children that came to the baptism!

Now it`s time to find more people! My scripture for the week is James 1:22. Let us be doers of the word, not only hears. We have a big responsiblity as members of this church. We understand the scriptures because we have a living prophet that communicates with God. Be that light to the world and always share that light with those in darkness. When we understand how special this gospel is, nothing will bother the work of the Lord. The "Old ship Zion" is always moving, but are we going to get on board? 

Sending lots of love from Ecuador!

Elder Alder

A photo from a member letting us know Devan is alive!

Zone conference

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