I know that I'm posting this a lot earlier than I usually do and I know I should probably wait to write this so more people will notice it and actually read it but, I can't help but write it down right after my religion class today. I feel too grateful and full of the Spirit to not put this down in writing.
Today in class we talked about two events that are usually not discussed in grand detail: Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem and cleansing of the temple on Palm Sunday. I would not do the class justice if I did not address both.
Matthew 21:9 "And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the Son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest."
I love how each story, no matter how long or short, becomes instantly beautiful when we are placed in the story. Where could we be placed in this story? Could we not be one of the disciples behind Jesus as we see the multitudes gathering to meet Jesus as He, like King Solomon, arrives to Jerusalem to be crowned King? Could we not be one in Jerusalem that finally sees Christ coming to take His throne as He will during the Second Coming, as we cry and shout: "Hosanna"? Or could we not be the donkey carrying Jesus on that very long, and steep journey from outside of Jerusalem till the temple? Do we ever feel like a donkey, wild and scared, on a very steep upward journey? May we ever let Jesus be the one to guide us the entire time and never be afraid.
Matthew 21:12,14 "And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers and the seats of them that sold doves... And the blind and the lame came to him in the temple; and he healed them."
It is very obvious that these money exchangers were doing so unfairly just because it was Passover and more people would be coming to the temple. Those who sold doves knew as well so they rose the prices. These devilish acts of greed and want represent the devil. Notice that no one opposed Jesus as he cleared them out of the temple. No one returned for the money or goods. These devils ran when true light came in. There is no need to fear the devil, as President Benson said, because he will always step down in the face of Light.
Also, how symbolic does this story become when we read Paul saying, "Know ye not that ye are temples of Lord?" Try as we might, we can not clear out all the evil that is found inside our temple. Only Jesus Christ has the power to clear out our entire temple of evil doers. He alone will also heal our blind and lame spots that reside in the temple as well.
If you can not tell, our 50 minute class was full of insight and information. To end the lesson, Brother Griffin said this: "I know that this is a lot of info and I do not want anyone to get lost in all the small details but take it as their story. So, in order to do that, I will tell a story." He continued to tell the story of my ancestor John Rowe Moyle. His story is of sacrifice and sanctification. As a stone mason, working on the temple of Salt Lake, he would walk from Alpine to Salt Lake each week. A journey, that I can tell each of you, is not easy even with roads and sidewalks. Until one day, he was tending a sick cow who kicked him in the leg. That leg was sawed off and it took a while for John to heal. John would not give up because of this. He carved his own wooden leg and learned to walk with it. Most of us would have just stayed home but, John, when back to his work on the temple walking on that wooden leg. We did not have time to discuss how this related to the scriptures above but I sure felt it. I sure walked that same path as John did and felt his triumphal entry into the Salt Lake Valley each week as John overcame all greed and evil inside his temple. I felt it as John was miraculously healed enough to continue his work on the temple of Lord. Luckily, his legacy is carved on the Temple, "Holiness to the Lord".
When will I ride into Jerusalem? When will I let Christ guide me to the temple? When will I let Christ clean me of all evil and heal all blind and lame parts of me? What legacy will I leave behind?
I sure love this gospel. I know that the Lord is watching over us every single day. He may not give us daily reminders as big as this one was for me, everyday. But He is our Father who loves us and wants to see us succeed.

For this I am ever grateful for my family, past, present, and future.
Have a wonderful week!
Devan Alder